Collagen resorb


KOLLAGEN resorb™ - The all-rounder in surgery

Information for medical staff

KOLLAGEN resorb™  collagen-fleece from horse tendons - for safe local hemostasis

Safe and clean


  • By using collagen fibrils of equine origin (achilles tendons of the horse) and careful enrichment with non-collagen components we managed to make a product with the highest safety standard.
    Due to its low/non-existent immunogenicity collagen is widely established as biomaterial in medicine.
  • By means of  KOLLAGEN resorb™ a positive impact on blood coagulation can be achieved (enhancement of aggregation in thrombocytes).
  • Collagen serves as guard rail for cell adhesion (support of hemostasis).
  • Collagen is able to absorb a large amount of fluids due to its structure.
  • In this purely mechanical process rejected material, bacteria, and fibrin films are absorbed.
  • KOLLAGEN resorb™ is stable in shape and can be applied dry or moist (eg. with physiological NaCl-solution) on open wounds.

«Cunning and versatile»

Item number Description Content
RK1836 KOLLAGEN resorb™ 1,8 x 3,6 cm 12 pcs
RK9001 KOLLAGEN resorb™ 7 x 3 cm 5 pcs
RK9011 KOLLAGEN resorb™ 9 x 7 cm 5 pcs
RK1209 KOLLAGEN resorb™ 12 x 9 cm 5 pcs
  • Advantages of collagen for wound healing
    • Biocompatibility
    1. decomposable, integrative
    2. biological matrix
    3. Adhesion and proliferation of cells
    4. Soft tissue base
    • Biodegradable
    • Incorporatable
    • Permeable
    • Osteoconductive
    • Angioconductive
    • pH-stable
    • Provenly low antigenicity
    • Docking option for proteins

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