
 Oxygen partial pressure measurement


The oxygen partial pressure measurement records the available oxygen in the brain tissue. This enables early detection of possible cerebral damage and, at the same time, appropriate measures can be taken to prevent cerebral ischaemia.

Product Measured values/execution Dimension Item number
NEUROVENT-PTO ICP + Temperatur + ptiO2 5F 095 008-001
supplied with BOLT-DRILL KIT PTO 092 380-001
NEUROVENT-TO Temperatur + ptiO2 3F 095 908-001
supplied with BOLT-DRILL KIT PTO 092 380-001
NEUROVENT-PTO 2L ICP + Temperatur + ptiO2 5F 095 108-001
BOLT KIT PTO 2L Only with NEUROVENT PTO 2L CH9 096 076-001
EASY logO Display of the measured values 095 264-002
MPR2 logO DATALOGGER Acquisition and storage of the measured values 095 254-002

One catheter - Three measuring functions

  • ICP
  • Temperatur
  • ptiO2

Catheter for measuring temperature and ptiO2

Specially developed catheter for the measurement of ICP, temperature and ptiO2 during craniectomy; also application via the BOLT KIT PTO 2L together with a microdialysis catheter

BOLT with two lumens for safe application of the NEUROVENT-PTO 2L and a microdialysis catheter

  • Clinical benefits:

    • Parenchymatous pressure, temperature and ptiO2 measurement in one catheter
    • Easy handling due to plug & play system - no calibration required
    • No oxygen consumption due to the O2 sensor
    • No refrigerated storage required
    • Data acquisition and storage via RAUMEDIC MPR2 logO DATALOGGER
    • Display of data by means of RAUMEDIC EASY logO
  • Possible procedure for patients

    Talk to your doctor. If you have any questions, we are at your doctor's disposal for information and product ordering. 

    The products may only be used by doctors or healthcare professionals.

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